Thunderbird Sculpture
Artist: Erich Glendale
Region: Kwakwaka'wakw
Dimensions: 24” H x 6” W x 6 .5” D
Materials: Yellow cedar and acrylic paint
To inquire about or purchase this item, please contact the gallery directly.
Artist: Erich Glendale
Region: Kwakwaka'wakw
Dimensions: 24” H x 6” W x 6 .5” D
Materials: Yellow cedar and acrylic paint
To inquire about or purchase this item, please contact the gallery directly.
Artist: Erich Glendale
Region: Kwakwaka'wakw
Dimensions: 24” H x 6” W x 6 .5” D
Materials: Yellow cedar and acrylic paint
To inquire about or purchase this item, please contact the gallery directly.
About the Artist
Erich Glendale is a member of the Da'naxda'xw tribe, which is one of the many regions within the Kwakwaka’wakw nation in northern Vancouver Island, British Columbia.
As a child, Glendale lived in many regions across Canada before settling in Nanaimo with his family as a teenager. After developing a connection with Tseshaht First Nation, Glendale moved to Port Alberni in 1995, which he has called home ever since.
Drawn to traditional Northwest Coast art at an early age, Glendale finished his first piece when he was only 16 years old. The salmon plaque was a gift for his mother.
To develop his own, unique style, Glendale studied old pieces found in museums to draw his inspiration and learn traditional Kwakwaka’wakw styles and forms.
His goal was to create clean, elegant movement within his creations. Constantly evolving as an artist, Glendale’s designs are dynamic and diligent.
He holds the belief that art is not something that can be mastered.
“An artist will constantly evolve until their last piece,” he said.
Glendale spends most of his time carving yellow and red cedar panels, sculptures and masks.
In 2010, he was commissioned to help carve a residential school memorial pole by Gordon Dick, which was also dedicated to the memory of Art Thompson.
His artwork can be found in galleries and private collections worldwide.